For the most comprehensive and up to date listing of what's happening in and around Monterey, visit our sponsor, Monterey County Weekly (and pick up a copy while you're in town!)
Whale watch with our Conference Sponsor: Monterey Bay Whale Watch. Be sure to say Hi, and thank them for their support!
Other Wildlife Viewing Opportunities:
Discount to see birds and sea otters in Elkhorn Slough
10% off usual rates (38$-Adult, 35$-Senior, 28$-Kids 3-13) to ACS attendees for available public tours departing up to, and including November 20. To redeem this discount, call the office. Simply mention that you are an attendees of the American Cetacean Society conference. The office is open 7 days a week, 9-5 and the phone number is (831) 633-5555.